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Showing posts from August, 2020

Betelgeuse- a red super giant will become a supernova- Mystery of Galaxy

 Welcome back to my blog "Mystery of Galaxy". There has been a lot of buzz lately about the star Betelgeuse and whether or not it's about to go supernova. Well the short answer is yes, but probably not or up to a hundred thousand years or so.                       Betelgeuse captured by ALMA Source: ALMA / CC BY So what is it that has everybody so excited? Well there's quite a bit going on with a star and we're going to talk about that in depth in today's article. Now Betelgeuse has been acting up lately or more accurately it's been acting down if anything. Betelgeuse normally has a visual magnitude of 0.5 although it does vary by less than one magnitude because it is a variable star. Then starting around Thanksgiving it began to drop below its typical low brightness. On December 8th 2019, Ed Guinan from Villanova University sent an astronomical telegram stating that Betelgeuse had faded to magnitude 1.1 -that at the time was a record low but t

Earth like habitable exoplanets (Top 10)- Mystery of Galaxy

  Top 10 Earth like habitable exoplanets  Welcome to my blog "Mystery of Galaxy". Welcome to a whole new world of planet science one day the earth will be destroyed completely where will you go how will you survive well don't worry because we humans found some new earth-like planets as a back-up plan where we can live or at least be able to survive. number 10 :-  Kepler 438b  is a exoplanet. Kepler 438B was first discovered in 2015 and located 470 light-years away. Kepler 438B was deemed one of the most earth-like planets ever discovered due to its Earth's similarity index or ESI which is 88% similar to earth. hence making it a suitable candidate for the potential of life. Kepler 438b Source: MarioProtIV / CC BY-SA Kepler-438B is just12% larger and receives 40% more light compared to the earth but still it's missing some necessary qualities for habitation such as it doesn't have a proper atmosphere and the planets nearby star emits flares 10 times m

Chicxulub asteroid that wipe out the dinosaur's era

Chicxulub asteroid- end of dinosaur era It was the moment that reshaped our planet. One fateful day 66 million years ago, an asteroid the size of a city came burning through the skies at 40 times the speed of sound before crashing into the Yucatan peninsula . There, it exploded with the force of seven billion Hiroshima bombs, liquifying the rock below it, and blasting a crater some 180kmwide. The sound of the impact was heard around the world. In the minutes after, plumes of rock enveloped the Earth in suffocating dust. Wildfires broke out across multiple continents. When the dust finally settled, it was onto a planet that had lost 75 percent of its lifeforms. Today, the remnants of this long ago impact are all but invisible, buried beneath thousands of meters of limestone. Yet, the crater still remains, half hidden beneath the rainforests of the Yucatan, radiating out from the small town that gives it its name: Chicxulub . Chicxulub crater Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech, modified by

The 10 most massive storms observed all over the solar system- mystery of galaxy

 10 most massive storms observed all over the solar system Welcome to my blog "Mystery of Galaxy". Almost every planet in our solar system has an atmosphere. With atmospheres come weather, seasonal variations and convection. Some of the most interesting atmospheric phenomena are cyclones, vortices, and storms. We are familiar with storms found on Earth, but most of them are relatively puny compared to the mammoths we have observed in other places around the solar system. So, what are the 10 most massive storms observed all over the solar system?  Number 10: Titan’s polar vortices . Titan is an astonishing moon. It is unique in the solar system in that it is the only moon to have a substantial atmosphere. And it really is substantial. Titan is much smaller than Earth, and yet its atmosphere is 1.2 times the mass of Earth’s. Because of this, Titan’s atmosphere stretches far into space for hundreds of kilometers. In fact, its atmosphere at the surface is thick enough, an


INDIAN SPACE RESERACH ORGANIZATION(ISRO)  On April 1st 2019, the Indian Space Research Organization - ISRO - deployed an intelligence satellite EMISAT along with 28 customer satellites. This April launch comes two years after ISRO launched a record breaking 104 satellites on a single rocket, an event that both the international news media and the space community looked at very carefully. Source: Indian Space Research Organisation / Public domain Since its conception in 1969, ISRO has completed a total of 185 missions and is fast becoming one of the most effective and competitive space agencies in the world. It has also become an important cog in the wheel of India's future prosperity, and technological and scientific progress. Indian Space Program began in an era when the country was rife with internal problems of poverty, hunger, and illiteracy. So how did ISRO manage to make it one of the most successful Space Programs on the planet? Before we get into that, what is